What Happened To The American Dream?
There are a lot of the reasons the delusional lies are believed by us "regular folk".
One of the most egregious being political delusional syndrome. A vast epidemic trust in those who can not be trusted. Namely politicians of either party. The gross allegiance to a letter after a person's name causes easy division amongst the everyday person.
What sense does it make to vote the same criminals into office time after time some for decades if nothing ever changes? Such apathy serves those in congress to have zero motivation to truly serve the people they represent because they know the people will blame the opposition for the everyday struggles they face.
We must as a nation rise up against the status quo and demand our needs be met.
How could we do this? Stop being a slave to a political party!
If the guy you have voted in time and time again has made zero real progress that improves your life understand it is not because the other party failed, THEY failed because they only care about the corporations and special interest lining their pockets so they can live the life you should be living!
If your guy isn't making an effort to serve you then they should be voted out and have the message sent that lies and corruption will no longer be tolerated and only results of hard work and effort will be rewarded by serving another term in office.
Enough of the clown show in Washington if we are to survive as a nation those career politicians must be replaced by academics and social warriors who are making real efforts to change the world!
If your local congressman or woman have more than 10 years in office they need to go! Vote in people with new proven ideas on the local level.
Let's come back together against the real enemies in the media and the political circus and promote new ideas that serve us all
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